Police Chiefs Association of Montgomery County
Proudly Serving Montgomery County, Pennsylvania since 1931
Welcome to the Police Chiefs Association of Montgomery County's website. We are dedicated to supporting law enforcement professionals and the community in Montgomery County, PA. On our site, you will learn more about our association and what we do, as well as provide you with other helpful information, including hiring announcements and safety tips. I hope that you will find it resourceful and visit often. Thank you for visiting us!
Michael Pitkow, PCAMC President
Springfield Township Police Department
Job Announcements
Montgomery County, PA is a great place to live, work, and serve as a law enforcement officer. Click HERE to view the current job announcements in the county.
Crime Prevention
The safety of our citizens is very important to us. Click HERE to learn more about messaging alert programs available in Montgomery County and online training.

Executive Board Chairman
Kenneth Lawson
Whitpain Township
Michael Pitkow
Springfield Township
1st Vice President
Patrick Molloy
Abington Township
2nd Vice President
Michael Jackson
Lower Providence Township
3rd Vice President
​William Tierney
Hatfield Township
Barton K. Bucher
Collegeville Borough
Michael J. McGrath
Lower Merion Township
Board Members
Mark Freeman
(2nd Year)
Upper Providence Township
Timothy Troxel
Towamencin Township
(1st Year)
Thomas Nolan
(At Large)
Upper Merion Township
Scott Bendig
(At Large)
Montgomery Township
Christopher Ward
(At Large)
Whitemarsh Township
Retired Advisor Members
Joseph S. McGuriman
Lansdale Borough (Ret.)
Tim Dickinson
Towamencin Township (Ret.)
Sean Cullen, Esq.